


可视化对象由绘图函数进行创建,图像的颜色可以用 ‘color’关键字给定。如果用此方法,它将会把颜色无差别地匹配图像的所有内容。译者注:这里绘图函数指的是.mlab方法创建,管线搭建方法是类似的。

如果您想根据您的可视化结果让可视化的图形颜色不同,您需要将scalar标量数据传入赋给每一个数据点。默认情况下,绘制矢量图时候,它用矢量信息的范数来作为标量值的大小;对于另外一些情况是采用的z值作为其标量值。 译者注:如quiver3d绘制的矢量箭头颜色的深浅是由所给数据uvw进行欧氏距离计算得到的。对于非矢量绘图的数据,采用的是传入的z值,也就是高度信息作为颜色深浅。

将标量信息转化成颜色会用到下面的配色表,也叫LUT-——Look Up Table。以下列举配色方案:

accent       flag          hot      pubu     set2
autumn       gist_earth    hsv      pubugn   set3
black-white  gist_gray     jet      puor     spectral
blue-red     gist_heat     oranges  purd     spring
blues        gist_ncar     orrd     purples  summer
bone         gist_rainbow  paired   rdbu     winter
brbg         gist_stern    pastel1  rdgy     ylgnbu
bugn         gist_yarg     pastel2  rdpu     ylgn
bupu         gnbu          pink     rdylbu   ylorbr
cool         gray          piyg     rdylgn   ylorrd
copper       greens        prgn     reds
dark2        greys         prism    set1

选择配色表最简单的方法是使用GUI图形界面(这将会在下一段进行介绍)。设置颜色的选项在 `Colors and legends`节点里面。



The scalar information can also be displayed in many different ways. For instance it can be used to adjust the size of glyphs positioned at the data points.

A caveat: Clamping: relative or absolute scaling Given six points positioned on a line with interpoint spacing 1:

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
y = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
z = y


s = [.5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1]


from mayavi import mlab
pts = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s)



This behavior gives visible points for all datasets, but may not be desired if the scalar represents the size of the glyphs in the same unit as the positions specified.


pts = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, s, scale_factor=1)



pts.glyph.glyph.clamping = False

There are many more ways to represent the scalar or vector information attached to the data. For instance, scalar data can be ‘warped’ into a displacement, e.g. using a WarpScalar filter, or the norm of scalar data can be extracted to a scalar component that can be visualized using iso-surfaces with the ExtractVectorNorm filter.

Displaying more than one quantity:

You may want to display color related to one scalar quantity while using a second for the iso-contours, or the elevation. This is possible but requires a bit of work: see Atomic orbital example.

If you simply want to display points with a size given by one quantity, and a color by a second, you can use a simple trick: add the size information using the norm of vectors, add the color information using scalars, create a quiver3d() plot choosing the glyphs to symmetric glyphs, and use scalars to represent the color:

x, y, z, s, c = np.random.random((5, 10))
pts = mlab.quiver3d(x, y, z, s, s, s, scalars=c, mode='sphere')
pts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar'
# Finally, center the glyphs on the data point
pts.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.center = [0, 0, 0]

Changing the scale and position of objects

Each mlab function takes an extent keyword argument, that allows to set its (x, y, z) extents. This give both control on the scaling in the different directions and the displacement of the center. Beware that when you are using this functionality, it can be useful to pass the same extents to other modules visualizing the same data. If you don’t, they will not share the same displacement and scale.

The surf(), contour_surf(), and barchart() functions, which display 2D arrays by converting the values in height, also take a warp_scale parameter, to control the vertical scaling.

Changing object properties interactively

Mayavi, and thus mlab, allows you to interactively modify your visualization.

The Mayavi pipeline tree can be displayed by clicking on the mayavi icon in the figure’s toolbar, or by using show_pipeline() mlab command. One can now change the visualization using this dialog by double-clicking on each object to edit its properties, as described in other parts of this manual, or add new modules or filters by using this icons on the pipeline, or through the right-click menus on the objects in the pipeline.

