
This section is only a reference describing the function, please see the chapter on mlab:用Python脚本进行3D绘图 for an introduction to mlab and how to interact with and assemble the functions of mlab.

Please see the section on 运行mlab脚本 for instructions on running the examples.



mayavi.tools.pipeline.array2d_source(*args, **kwargs)

Creates structured 2D data from a 2D array.

Function signatures:

array2d_source(s, ...)
array2d_source(x, y, s, ...)
array2d_source(x, y, f, ...)

If 3 positional arguments are passed the last one must be an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array. x and y give the coordinates of positions corresponding to the s values.

x and y can be 1D or 2D arrays (such as returned by numpy.ogrid or numpy.mgrid), but the points should be located on an orthogonal grid (possibly non-uniform). In other words, all the points sharing a same index in the s array need to have the same x or y value.

If only 1 array s is passed the x and y arrays are assumed to be made from the indices of arrays, and an uniformly-spaced data set is created.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


Mask points specified in a boolean masking array.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.builtin_image(metadata=<mayavi.core.metadata.SourceMetadata object at 0x7f59defcf970>)

Create a vtk image data source


mayavi.tools.pipeline.builtin_surface(metadata=<mayavi.core.metadata.SourceMetadata object at 0x7f59defcffb0>)

Create a vtk poly data source


mayavi.tools.pipeline.chaco_file(metadata=<mayavi.core.metadata.SourceMetadata object at 0x7f59c93eaca0>)

Open a Chaco file


mayavi.tools.pipeline.grid_source(x, y, z, **kwargs)

Creates 2D grid data.

x, y, z are 2D arrays giving the positions of the vertices of the surface. The connectivity between these points is implied by the connectivity on the arrays.

For simple structures (such as orthogonal grids) prefer the array2dsource function, as it will create more efficient data structures.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。


optional scalar data.

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


Mask points specified in a boolean masking array.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.line_source(*args, **kwargs)

Creates line data.

Function signatures:

line_source(x, y, z, ...)
line_source(x, y, z, s, ...)
line_source(x, y, z, f, ...)

If 4 positional arguments are passed the last one must be an array s,
or a callable, f, that returns an array.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.open(filename, figure=None)

Open a supported data file given a filename. Returns the source object if a suitable reader was found for the file.

If ‘figure’ is False, no view is opened, and the code does not need GUI or openGL context.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.parametric_surface(metadata=<mayavi.core.metadata.SourceMetadata object at 0x7f59abb768e0>)

Create a parametric surface source


mayavi.tools.pipeline.point_load(metadata=<mayavi.core.metadata.SourceMetadata object at 0x7f59abb76ed0>)

Simulates a point load on a cube of data (for tensors)


mayavi.tools.pipeline.scalar_field(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a scalar field data.

Function signatures:

scalar_field(s, ...)
scalar_field(x, y, z, s, ...)
scalar_field(x, y, z, f, ...)

If only 1 array s is passed the x, y and z arrays are assumed to be made from the indices of arrays.

If the x, y and z arrays are passed they are supposed to have been generated by numpy.mgrid. The function builds a scalar field assuming the points are regularily spaced.

If 4 positional arguments are passed the last one must be an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.scalar_scatter(*args, **kwargs)

Creates scattered scalar data.

Function signatures:

scalar_scatter(s, ...)
scalar_scatter(x, y, z, s, ...)
scalar_scatter(x, y, z, s, ...)
scalar_scatter(x, y, z, f, ...)

If only 1 array s is passed the x, y and z arrays are assumed to be made from the indices of vectors.

If 4 positional arguments are passed the last one must be an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.triangular_mesh_source(x, y, z, triangles, **kwargs)

Creates 2D mesh by specifying points and triangle connectivity.

x, y, z are 2D arrays giving the positions of the vertices of the surface. The connectivity between these points is given by listing triplets of vertices inter-connected. These vertices are designed by there position index.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。


optional scalar data.

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.vector_field(*args, **kwargs)

Creates vector field data.

Function signatures:

vector_field(u, v, w, ...)
vector_field(x, y, z, u, v, w, ...)
vector_field(x, y, z, f, ...)

If only 3 arrays u, v, w are passed the x, y and z arrays are assumed to be made from the indices of vectors.

If the x, y and z arrays are passed, they should have been generated by numpy.mgrid or numpy.ogrid. The function builds a scalar field assuming the points are regularily spaced on an orthogonal grid.

If 4 positional arguments are passed the last one must be a callable, f, that returns vectors.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。


optional scalar data.

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.vector_scatter(*args, **kwargs)

Creates scattered vector data.

Function signatures:

vector_scatter(u, v, w, ...)
vector_scatter(x, y, z, u, v, w, ...)
vector_scatter(x, y, z, f, ...)

If only 3 arrays u, v, w are passed the x, y and z arrays are assumed to be made from the indices of vectors.

If 4 positional arguments are passed the last one must be a callable, f, that returns vectors.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。


optional scalar data.

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.vertical_vectors_source(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a set of vectors pointing upward, useful eg for bar graphs.

Function signatures:

vertical_vectors_source(s, ...)
vertical_vectors_source(x, y, s, ...)
vertical_vectors_source(x, y, f, ...)
vertical_vectors_source(x, y, z, s, ...)
vertical_vectors_source(x, y, z, f, ...)

If only one positional argument is passed, it can be a 1D, 2D, or 3D array giving the length of the vectors. The positions of the data points are deducted from the indices of array, and an uniformly-spaced data set is created.

If 3 positional arguments (x, y, s) are passed the last one must be an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array. x and y give the 2D coordinates of positions corresponding to the s values. The vertical position is assumed to be 0.

If 4 positional arguments (x, y, z, s) are passed, the 3 first are arrays giving the 3D coordinates of the data points, and the last one is an array s, or a callable, f, that returns an array giving the data value.

Keyword arguments:

name 对象命名:

对创建的vtk对象进行重命名。 译者注:vtk对象都有默认的名,即其层级名。

figure 图像参数:

optionally, the figure on which to add the data source. If None, the source is not added to any figure, and will be added automatically by the modules or filters. If False, no figure will be created by modules or filters applied to the source: the source can only be used for testing, or numerical algorithms, not visualization.


mayavi.tools.pipeline.volume_file(metadata=<mayavi.core.metadata.SourceMetadata object at 0x7f59defb0a40>)

Open a Volume file