Structured grid example

An example of how to generate a structured grid dataset using numpy arrays. Also shown is a way to visualize this data with the mayavi2 application.

The script can be run like so:

$ mayavi2 -x

Alternatively, it can be run as:

$ python

Python source code:

# Authors: Eric Jones <eric at enthought dot com>
#          Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at aero dot iitb dot ac dot in>
# Copyright (c) 2007, Enthought, Inc.
# License: BSD style.

import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, pi
from tvtk.api import tvtk
from mayavi.scripts import mayavi2

def generate_annulus(r=None, theta=None, z=None):
    """ Generate points for structured grid for a cylindrical annular
        volume.  This method is useful for generating a structured
        cylindrical mesh for VTK (and perhaps other tools).

        r : array : The radial values of the grid points.
                    It defaults to linspace(1.0, 2.0, 11).

        theta : array : The angular values of the x axis for the grid
                        points. It defaults to linspace(0,2*pi,11).

        z: array : The values along the z axis of the grid points.
                   It defaults to linspace(0,0,1.0, 11).

        points : array
            Nx3 array of points that make up the volume of the annulus.
            They are organized in planes starting with the first value
            of z and with the inside "ring" of the plane as the first
            set of points.  The default point array will be 1331x3.
    # Default values for the annular grid.
    if r is None: r = np.linspace(1.0, 2.0, 11)
    if theta is None: theta = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, 11)
    if z is None: z = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 11)

    # Find the x values and y values for each plane.
    x_plane = (cos(theta)*r[:,None]).ravel()
    y_plane = (sin(theta)*r[:,None]).ravel()

    # Allocate an array for all the points.  We'll have len(x_plane)
    # points on each plane, and we have a plane for each z value, so
    # we need len(x_plane)*len(z) points.
    points = np.empty([len(x_plane)*len(z),3])

    # Loop through the points for each plane and fill them with the
    # correct x,y,z values.
    start = 0
    for z_plane in z:
        end = start + len(x_plane)
        # slice out a plane of the output points and fill it
        # with the x,y, and z values for this plane.  The x,y
        # values are the same for every plane.  The z value
        # is set to the current z
        plane_points = points[start:end]
        plane_points[:,0] = x_plane
        plane_points[:,1] = y_plane
        plane_points[:,2] = z_plane
        start = end

    return points

# Make the data.
dims = (51, 25, 25)
# Note here that the 'x' axis corresponds to 'theta'
theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, dims[0])
# 'y' corresponds to varying 'r'
r = np.linspace(1, 10, dims[1])
z = np.linspace(0, 5, dims[2])
pts = generate_annulus(r, theta, z)
# Uncomment the following if you want to add some noise to the data.
#pts += np.random.randn(dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2], 3)*0.04
sgrid = tvtk.StructuredGrid(dimensions=dims)
sgrid.points = pts
s = np.sqrt(pts[:,0]**2 + pts[:,1]**2 + pts[:,2]**2)
sgrid.point_data.scalars = np.ravel(s.copy()) = 'scalars'

# Uncomment the next two lines to save the dataset to a VTK XML file.
#w = tvtk.XMLStructuredGridWriter(input=sgrid, file_name='sgrid.vts')

# View the data.
def view():
    from mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
    from mayavi.modules.api import Outline, GridPlane

    src = VTKDataSource(data=sgrid)
    g = GridPlane()
    g.grid_plane.axis = 'x'
    g = GridPlane()
    g.grid_plane.axis = 'y'
    g = GridPlane()
    g.grid_plane.axis = 'z'

if __name__ == '__main__':