Standalone example

A simple example of how you can use Mayavi without using Envisage or the Mayavi Envisage application.

Python source code:

# Author: Prabhu Ramachandran <>
# Copyright (c) 2007, Enthought, Inc.
# License: BSD Style.

from os.path import join, abspath

from pyface.api import GUI
# The core Engine.
from mayavi.core.api import Engine
from mayavi.core.ui.engine_view import EngineView
# Usual MayaVi imports
from mayavi.scripts.util import get_data_dir
from mayavi.sources.api import VTKXMLFileReader
from mayavi.modules.api import Outline, ScalarCutPlane, Streamline

def main():
    # Create the MayaVi engine and start it.
    e = Engine()
    # Starting the engine registers the engine with the registry and
    # notifies others that the engine is ready.

    # Do this if you need to see the MayaVi tree view UI.
    ev = EngineView(engine=e)
    ui = ev.edit_traits()

    # Create a new scene.
    scene = e.new_scene()
    # Now create a new scene just for kicks.
    scene1 = e.new_scene()

    # Now setup a normal MayaVi pipeline.
    src = VTKXMLFileReader()
    return e, ui

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # When main returns the ui to go out of scope and be gc'd causing the view
    # to disappear with qt4.
    e, ui = main()
    # Create a GUI instance and start the event loop.  We do this here so that
    # main can be run from IPython -wthread if needed.
    gui = GUI()