.. _example_wx_embedding: Wx embedding example -------------------------------------------- This example shows to embed a Mayavi view in a wx frame. The trick is to create a `HasTraits` object, as in the mlab_traits_ui.py, mayavi_traits_ui.py, or the modifying_mlab_source.py examples (:ref:`example_mlab_traits_ui`, :ref:`example_mayavi_traits_ui`, :ref:`example_mlab_interactive_dialog`). Calling the `edit_traits` method returns a `ui` object whose `control` attribute is the wx widget. It can thus be embedded in a standard wx application. In this example, the wx part is very simple. See :ref:`example_wx_mayavi_embed_in_notebook` for an example of more complex embedding of Mayavi scenes in Wx applications. **Python source code:** :download:`wx_embedding.py` .. literalinclude:: wx_embedding.py :lines: 17-