.. raw:: html .. include:: inline-css.rst Mayavi: 3D scientific data visualization and plotting in Python ================================================================= .. raw:: html
Mayavi banner
Welcome, this is the user guide for Mayavi, a application and library for **interactive scientific data visualization** and **3D plotting in Python**. .. topic:: Getting started * You want to use an interactive application to visualize your data in 3D? Read the :ref:`Mayavi application section `. * You know Python and want to use Mayavi as a Matlab or pylab replacement for 3D plotting and data visualization with `numpy`? Get started with the :ref:`mlab section `. * Sources of inspiration may be found in the :ref:`example_gallery`, with example Python code. .. use raw html to avoid creating a TOC in the sidebar for this page. .. raw:: html

User guide: full table of contents

.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 overview.rst installation.rst application.rst mlab.rst advanced_use.rst building_applications.rst tips.rst misc.rst auto/examples.rst auto/mlab_reference.rst api/index.rst bugs.rst changes.rst .. raw:: html

Index and search

* :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search` .. FIXME: I need the down link to make sure the banner gets copied to the target directory. .. raw:: html
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